Spirit Revival


Kundalini Yoga | Kambo | Sacred Toad Medicine

With Tiaga, Fouad Sabet, and Dr. John

Sunday, May 28 , 9am - 7pm IBIZA

spirit revive

Revive your spirit on a transformative one-day retreat.

Join us on Sunday, May 28th, starting at 9 am as we embark on a powerful journey of reawakening.

The Sacred Journey: Inner Alignment, Cellular Cleansing, Transcendental Awakening

Ignite your profound rebirth experience by joining us on a transformative retreat that merges powerful practices and sacred medicines. Rediscover your true essence and unleash your full potential like never before.

Inner Alignment: Kundalini Technology with tiaga

Immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga, a practice that powerfully purifies and realigns your mind, body, and spirit. Activate your energy centers, allowing your unlimited life force to rise within you. Guided by Kundalini & Tantra practitioner Tiaga, experience a deep reconnection to your innermost self, creating space for transformation and spiritual growth.

Cellular Cleansing: Kambo Purification with fouad sabet

Continue your journey with the healing power of Kambo, an indigenous Amazonian medicine renowned for its purification properties. This sacred ritual deeply cleanses and purifies every cell of your body, eliminating toxins and energetic blockages that hinder your growth and well-being. Through Kambo, release what no longer serves you, paving the way for a powerful rebirth experience.

Transcendental Awakening: Sacred Toad Medicine with dr. john

Embark on an exploration of Toad Medicine, a sacred earth medicine derived from the Sonoran Desert. This ancient medicine holds the key to expanded states of consciousness and deep spiritual transformation. During this sacred journey, experience a profound rebirth and expansion of your being, gaining clarity, insight, and a deeper connection to your true self.

By synergizing these three powerful practices and sacred medicines, our retreat offers a unique and transformative experience. Through the processes of reconnection, purification, and rebirth, you will undergo a profound personal transformation. The pristine energy of Ibiza's North Island, complemented by a serene atmosphere, provides the perfect setting for this inner journey of growth and renewal.

Price: 688 euros

Paypal: Fouadikigai@gmail.com | Bizum:+34 664 09 67 83 | Zelle: tiaga@tiaga.world

Please forward payment to tiaga@tiaga.world

+ info https://wa.me/14014437041

Join us and emerge revitalized, connected to your true self. We are excited to guide you on this transformative retreat.

Tiaga, Fouad, Dr. John


The Retreat

Nestled in a beautiful campo house, our retreat offers a tranquil and rejuvenating environment. In addition to the transformative practices, you'll have access to a healing sauna, cold plunge, and a nourishing vegan lunch. Located just minutes away from San Miguel, Santa Gertrudis, and Ibiza Town, you will be immersed in the natural beauty of the island.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to undergo a powerful rebirth experience. Secure your spot now and emerge revitalized, connected to your true self, and ready to embrace the next chapter of your journey.

Retreat Schedule

9:00 am - Arrival 10:00 am

Opening Circle 11:00 am

Kundalini Technology with Tiaga 12:30 pm

Lunch 1:30 pm

Kambo with Fouad Sabet and Toad Medicine with Dr. John

7:00 pm - Closing Circle

Please note that timings may be subject to change for the optimal flow of the retreat.

Secure your place now and embark on a transformative journey of reconnection, purification, and rebirth.

Cultivate Aliveness | Feel with Consciousness | Energize Magnetism | Focus Presence | Detox Negativity

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience....We are spiritual beings having a human experience” -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin