Thank you for being here!

My Name is Sebastian Canedo (Tiaga) and this is my transformational journey

from sexual abuse & aggressive bullying to claiming my sovereignty.

This is my story:

Bogota- Colombia.

I was raised overloaded with the love of my mother and aunts; on the other hand my Father was an alcoholic, aggressive and most of the time absent.  When I interacted with him; it was in a toxic environment surrounded by alcohol, parties and promiscuity.

I was sexually abused at a very young age; my innocence was taken. It felt like my soul was spoiled when I became a slave to this imprint (distorted sexual Energy) An unstoppable thirst was constantly controlling me. I started to look for attention and love in all the wrong places: pornographic material and an unconscious sexual reality.

Over time I began to feel I had been possessed by this energy/entity, that it was  constantly pushing me to feed it.   

I grew up confused and not understanding what was happening to me...

I felt like I was different and I had many questions; unfortunately there was no one to whom I could talk to or find answers. 

From a very early age I felt attracted to males. Trust me, growing up in a chauvinistic country, this is not an easy path to walk.   I experienced:  twelve years of bullying at school; being taken to church with the hope God will “fix” me, and the painful rejection of my father. 

All of the above experiences left me confused, scared, angry, silenced, abused, and  traumatized.  

After School was over, I started to build a version of myself that would guarantee my survival, so that no one could hurt me again.

I was ambitious and needed to prove that I was able to succeed so I could be recognized. This path led me to build a strong barrier of arrogance to protect myself from being harmed and bullied.

Unconsciously I created this strong untouchable version of me who did not allow anyone to come close; with the exception of a the few I felt safe around.  For years I struggled with this arrogant, harsh version of myself; carrying heavy anger and fear. I grieved many of my entrepreneurial ventures and relationships coming to an end because of this wound.

My ambition led me to travel the world and “achieve” every persona  “I wanted to be.”

I was only 17 Years old when I moved to Europe to study Fashion. I lived in Milan and London and became a Fashion Designer. Years Later I moved to Barcelona, where I became a Fashion Photographer & Creative Director.  

I continued my journey and for a period of time I thought my early life was a distant bad dream… 

It has been said that “Time heals all wounds” but this was far from my reality. 

I turned 30 and moved to Dubai, following my dreams. I reached the point of thinking I had achieved everything I ever wanted: money, career and a partner. However, the time came for me to face myself. I was broken, full of anger and a slave to my sexual abuse imprint.

Then my soul started to call me home…

The following 3 years, I began to lose everything. The more I tried to hold onto it the more painful it was.

When everything is lost, and all seems dark, then comes the new life with all that is needed.

It was only at this point that I gave up and stopped fighting against the world, and myself. I surrendered to the universe. I was completely broken and had nothing else to lose. I began to allow the mystery of life, God to be the leader and see where it will take me….

The Universe works in mysterious ways.

There is a very crucial part in this history; Back in 2009, in my 20’s, I had a glimpse of the life my soul was truly desiring to experience. I decided to take a break from everything, Did my first detox reset (Life changing) and Finally accepted the Invitation from a friend in Colombia to surrender to the sacred medicine of Ayahuasca. This experience marked the beginning of my healing Journey; I felt I could finally see some light. I decided to pack my bags and head for a solo trip to India.

It was a homecoming feeling. It felt like they had been waiting for me for a very long time.

I was initiated by Swami Satyananda and introduced to Sivananda Yoga. Then I spent a year traveling all around India; learning ancient yogic teachings, mantra and ayurveda. I experienced for the first time being aligned with myself.  I was a 20-year-old young man discovering himself. Nothing else but me, my backpack and my camera. It was then when I developed the passion for taking photos. 

Destiny took me to Bali; It was my first time in the Island of Gods ; and a very important seed was planted.

A yogi’s Path has many Turns.

I had the option to choose to stay in Asia and to continue my devotional path; however I decided to come back to the world. I had many dreams and was full of passion to create them and I did it.  For the following 12 years I lived in 5 countries, everything I wanted to become I succeeded in; Fashion Photographer; 2 Fashion bachelors in Milan, London and Barcelona.  I made it to cover the world's best fashion shows; A masters in creative direction and fashion communication that lead me to  create several successful brands worldwide, Brand strategist for world wide leading brands in the hospitality industry for 3 years. Successful launches and positioning of brands in the Middle east.  I launched my company in Mexico City where I lived for 1 year and worked with the most renowned brands in Mexico and latam. 

My Two Paths Become One

The darkest Period of my life began and after losing everything I had built, I had to return to my home town in Colombia; I felt so vulnerable and afraid; I faced panic attacks, anxiety and other health issues. Many of my old wounds reopened. My inner child was back where everything started and I could no longer run.

Starting Again

The desire for my freedom kept me going. I went back to those teachings I learned in India, and I began once again to do Yoga. The first time I stepped back onto the mat, my body was moving alone, like a dance with the universe.

I was introduced to Kundalini Yoga by one of my closest friends and after 2 sessions I started to awaken, I felt I was remembering all… Who I AM, I felt like the memories in my cells were celebrating, my bodies vibrating. I was finally back on the path where I was meant to be.

I soon realized I was back home to forgive and heal my past, I spoke my truth to my family and I could finally tell my history; the doors of freedom and liberation started to open.

Facing my Fears 

I spent time with my father and family. We gathered all together after many years at the farm where my nightmare started. I honor their willingness to help me in this process. I had many mixed feelings stepping once again into the place I never wanted to return to. However, my inner child had me this time. I recreated new memories and a new story.

The seed of Bali started to sprout

As we begin to heal it's easier to listen to our heart. 

I started to receive a call to return to Bali. She was calling me back to her womb to continue with my healing and awakening Journey. To pick up where I left 12 years ago, returning to surrender.  I took a plane with no plans, no return ticket. I only had the flame inside of me that always kept me going. I arrived in Bali in 2019.

From this point onwards I dedicated  the following  2 years to healing and realignment.  Kundalini Technology has been the number one practice supporting my process.  The mysticism and spirituality of Bali, the ceremonies, rituals, and all the beautiful souls I've met along the way that we have shared our journey in communion. I’ve rebirthed and begun to embody my higher self, my truth, in forgiveness and acceptance  of my wounds, my mistakes, proud of my journey and the commitment to myself and this path. 

I love you mamma Bali for holding me with so much love, prosperity and abundance as I made my way back to my heart. 

With my rebirth came the revelation of my spiritual name Tiaga Harpal Singh, the fearless Lion who embodies friendship, protection, kindness, prosperity and creativity by choosing God over all worldly attachments.

I look behind with compassion and love for myself and all those who have been the teachers in the story of my story of my life. I'm deeply grateful. Full of passion to create a Dharmic Life I choose to live.

 I welcome you to the world of TIAGA